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We care, We Grow - Review (from ICT Class)

     UOI is one of the methods used by teachers to carry out online learning activities effectively with students. For me, this UOI has become a good technique in carrying out a learning activity. We as students are trained in time management and discipline. Theres a lot of diffrence between the last quarters technique and the technique we are using right now. Where for this quarter, we were given more independence study time in reducing our contact with laptop and computer screens. Other than that, we need to have sense of ownership for these lessons. In this quarter, we are talking about Eco-Friendly lifestyle with the theme "we care, We Grow". This theme will bring us to the understanding of the SDG's. It will bring us to understand the situation of the world and how do we take care of it. 
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Restoring the Earth as our Sense of Responsibility to GOD

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How do we apply a Eco-Friendly Lifestyle in Our Life - ICT Formative (Second Week)

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The Importance of an Eco-friendly lifestyle in reflecting God's character - ICT Formative (First Week)

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Summative IPS: Perbedaan Budaya di Dua Negara

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Korupsi di Indonesia

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