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Restoring the Earth as our Sense of Responsibility to GOD

The earth is polluted with garbage and waste materials. It is our concern where the risk will come to the danger to humans themselves. If we keep being like this, Humans will kill themselves because of their own actions. So in this blog I want to share how dying our earth today and to share the SDG (Sustainable Development Goals) action for the restoration of the earth. We need to care about our earth, as our responsibility. "We Care, We Grow".

-Plastic, a Strong Pollutant-

Before, Plastic was something so great, usefull and Creative. But these days this thing become something so dangerous. Humans produce plastic material for their daily needs. Humans produce plastic material for their daily needs. less sense of responsibility, resulting in pollution to nature. Great Pacific Garbage Patch, this place is a part of the Pacific Ocean that collects all the rubbish naturally. We are introduced to several examples of parties dealing with waste. For example, the company Adidas, which sells sports clothing from plastic waste in the sea. This will be a good Eco-Friendly lifestyle activity.

Garbages in the ocean

-How to Prevent Your Environment from Flood-

Flood in Manado City, Early 2021

Flood, usually caused by heavy rain. However, we increase the risk of flooding by littering. Theres a lot of evidences that garbage causes flooding. My city, Manado was hit by floods because the heavy rain did not stop and the garbage that had been scattered on the roads. Those garbage will Of course all of us don't want floods to happen. So, how do we prevent flooding? and How is the flood rescue process? There is a lot of ways we could do to prevent flood.

Preventing Flood:

  1. Throw garbage in its place.
  2. Keeping green plants.
  3. Arranging house settlements near the river.
Resque Proses:
  1. Helping each other.
  2. Contact the rescue team
  3. Evacuate into higher place.

-Creative Economy as an Eco-Friendly Lifestyle Facility-

According to Howkins (From the book, The Creative Economy: How People Make Money from Ideas in 2001), the definition of a Creative Economy is a transaction of creative products or services that make creativity as the basis. All of those activity should be an Economic Value. Apart from that, there is also another opinion from Ashley Brooks (Rasmussen University) saying tha the concept of the creative economy is best summed up as potential income from creative activities and ideas. We all have our own creativity and talents. All of this makes the conclusion that all of us could be involved in creative economy activities. In connection with an eco-friendly lifestyle, we are invited to use this creativity to minimize natural pollution. 

Artwork could be one of the Eco-Friendly lifestyle move, and it could be the product of the creative economy. We could use mozaic artwork to make this eco-friendly product. We can use waste materials to be used as mosaic art. For this time I tried to make an animal image by using mozaic technique. If we can still change things that are no longer used into useful items again, why not? 

We all have our own creativity and talents, and we have a responsibility to protect this earth. That is why we should be involved in Creative Economy especially on Eco-Friendly lifestyle. We can see the connection between an artwork and the definition of the creative economy. Artwork is a Creative product that created by services based on creativity and has a economic value. This will benefit us, our social and our environment.

In carrying out economic activity, we naturally consider several problems. This time, I want to prove that this art product can overcome the challenges that will arise by managing each sales process. For the first challange, I want talk from the regulatory side. Where on the regulatory side, the seller is burdened with paying taxes, or a sales license which is quite complicated. In this case, I took a solution by selling online through existing social media. Therefore, I just need to sell my product by my phone and by using the advertising from and for social media users. By using online marketing, we can also overcome and simplify challenges from the distribution side. The use of social media allows everyone to access my products at any time. Advertising can also help drive sales(Endorsement). 

A diagram of the potential benefits of doing business on various social media.

The last challange that I want to talk about is Human Resources Side. Indonesia still have less human resources. Unemployment, lack of education, and others. I want to emphasize again that everyone has creativity and could participate in the creative economy activity. The only things that can be developed are education and job availability. Therefore, I could  recruit peoples who are interested in art as my employee.

Everything must start slowly, of course. But all of those will grow into a bigger thing. If garbage and waste materials have been recycled, of course nature will not be polluted again. The ocean will be clean, a fresh environment and a good social. loving each others and be a blessing to all. These things started by loving the Lord. Isn't this is the Greatest Commandment?

N, Suparno & T,D Tamtomo (2018). Ilmu Pengetahuan Sosial untuk SMP/MTs Kelas IX. Jakarta: Esis.

-Mozaic Artwork as a Form of Eco-Friendly lifestyle-

Mozaic is a artwork that has a two-dimensional or three-dimensional shape which is made of an arrangement of pieces or fragments of materials, which are affixed to form an image or form that the creator wants. In connection with an Eco-Friendly lifestyle, I used newspaper for the base, carboard for the outline, plastic and (Sachet) Coffee pack for the decorations. By recycling waste materials, we are already participating in an Eco-Friendly lifestyle.

Image of an eagle made with mosaic techniques

-Knowing God's Character through His Creation-

From the Book of Genesis, God reveals a serious and responsible character in making and doing things. This is reflected in every comment of God after He made creation day by day. Genesis 1:10 God called the dry ground “land,” and the gathered waters he called “seas.” And God saw that it was good. Regarding Eco-Friendly lifestyle, we should take care and take responsibility seriously for this earth. As God's image and likeness, we must reflect God's character.

There is many kind of lifestyle. Hedonism, Consumerism and others. But, what kind lifestyle does God want? We know that everyting included nature belongs to God. Romans 11:36 (ESV) "For from him and through him and to him are all things. To him be glory forever. Amen." the lifestyle of a true Christian is a lifestyle that puts Christ at the center. So, what is the connection with the Eco-Friendly lifestyle? Putting Christ(God) at the center of our life, means we are obeying all His words. Genesis 1:28 God blessed them and said to them, “Be fruitful and increase in number; fill the earth and subdue it. Rule over the fish in the sea and the birds in the sky and over every living creature that moves on the ground.” We as a human have been given the responsibility to rule this earth wisely and responsibly. That is why we need to live a Eco-Friendly life.

Let's start living by adopting an Eco-Friendly Lifestyle. Nature has given many things to us so we could live our life freely, why do we respond to it by polluting the nature? Colossians 3:17 "And whatever you do, whether in word or deed, do it all in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father through him." Everythings starts from our relation between God and ourself. Have a good relation with God and become a blessing to one and other. "We Care, We Grow"


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