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The Importance of an Eco-friendly lifestyle in reflecting God's character - ICT Formative (First Week)

First Week of UOI (1-5 february 2021)


For the first week, we were being introduced to all the subjects with the new lessons, new systems and new summative assignment. For this week, the lessons is filled with the beginning explanation from the teachers regarding how this UOI system will be useful for the future. UOI subject is talking about SDG or an international movement to restore every problem and struggle in the world.

In the UOI subject, we learned many things. For example, from the English class, where we learned about plastic (The risk of the plastic to the world), ICT where we talked about how a blog will become a great thingto be used for sharing informations , or Craft class that talked about how to make a amazing artworks from waste material. But among these class, the most interesting thing was BS lesson. In the BS class, we learned about how do we (As a Christian) should mae a action to the situation of the world right now. We need to understand that the world is in danger and to make a wise action for the world.

Social Studies

-Interdependence Between Space in Economic Concepts-

We learned about economy system. For this time we’re focused on the Production system, Distribution system, and Consumption system. In this week, we are only given an introduction to these three systems. Other than that, learned about the characteristics of the consumer.

  • Production: The activity of creating and adding to the usefulness of an objects. 
  • Distribution: Activities of distributing a product from producers to consumers. 
  • Consumption: Activities of consuming or reducing an object or a product.


-How Blogs Could Influence Someone-

In the ICT class, we learned about how do we influence someone by using a blog especially about God’s work on human’s life. “Influencing Someone” is a action that we (As a Christian) need to do. These things is going to be our response to our God. We need to begin these things by reflecting our life, our self, our motivation and thinking. All of these will bring us to become a blessing to one and other.


-Handling of Natural Conditions in Manado (Flood)-

The theme given in the PE lesson is the culture of healthy living. At this week's meeting, we focused on our surroundings and one city in Manado. We know that right now we are hit by a flood. However, we are made aware that the flood came from human negligence in maintaining a clean environment. Indeed, one of the causes of flooding is the heavy rain that falls, but we should be able to minimize it by not littering so that the water channels can run smoothly.


-The Dangers of Plastic to the Earth-

In English lesson, we talked about waste, especially plastic waste. This time we look at the problem internationally. There is a new thing introduced, namely microplastic. This is something that is quite interesting for me. Plastics are already damaging and polluting many things. For example such as marine animals. We could see a lot of evidence of plastic pollution in the ocean. The animals eat the plastic thinking that plastic is a food. But we will also find that it is difficult to remove plastic. This is because the impact that will come out will be bigger for our environment. Plastic has become an effective storage tool. So from this understanding, we must think wisely in terms of stabilizing the world.


-Environmentally friendly lifestyle-

Learned about the forms of lifestyle. We are asked whether we have lived in God or not. This subject is one of the most memorable subject of my own. Our lifestyle has been tainted by many sins and we must return to the lifestyle that God wants. We learned about the most important relationships in our lives. Those are a relationship with humans (Horizontal), a relationship with ourself (Internal) and a relationship with the environment (Environmental). But from some of these relationships we need to strengthen our relationship with God (vertical). Everything starts from this relationship and ifour relation between God becomes good, we will definitely have a good relationship with humans, ourselves and the environment.


-Turning a Waste into a Artworks-

In the Art lesson, we learn about how do we recycle waste materials into new works of art. This reflects the 3R elements, namely Reduce (Reduce the use of waste), Reuse (Reuse waste) and Recycle (recycle waste materials). This action could helps minimize environmental pollution. We will make a Collage, Mosaic or Montage work.


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